
As I wrote before, I made friends with a wonderful couple at a lovely hotel in Florence last October. They, Mr and Mrs Crump, told me that they are making the most of facebook to communicate with their family and friends who live miles away.
According to their recommendation, I took my account for facebook soon after I came home. They said something exciting would happen soon, and that was right! I could reach to several old friends and also have chances to see new interesting acquaintances. This is like opening a new door to the world. Thank you Tess and Tracy!
Yahoo! News said there are approximately 500,000,000 users of facebook in the world and in Japan 2,000,000 users now. I have just started to recommend it to my friends.
My husband used to be very reluctant to join SNS services and to write blogs, but now he is pretty keen on posting pictures in facebook…and surprisingly, he started to try very hard to write messages to his friends in English. He also got back in touch with his friends from school days, after 20 years.
I was also surprised with how Skype works on our business meeting just recently…How lucky we are, living in the world of such advanced technology!