I am so happy to be able to attend this lunch event. I am grateful for the warmth of the people of the Lake District in organizing it and would like to thank you for what you are doing. My name is Atsuko Tamura and I am a writer and editor who lives and works in Tokyo. The man standing next to me is Nobutaka Sawazaki who is a photographer and my colleague as well as my husband.
When the earthquake happened, we were both in our office in Tokyo. Japan is constantly subject to earthquakes, and we all thought that this one was one of the usual, small tremors we experience all the time. It was only when a bookcases around my height fell over behind me that I realized I was experiencing something completely new. All the trains in Tokyo stopped running, and so we all left the office to walk home without really understanding the enormity of what had happened.
When we got home, we thought that this was the end of the experience, but on switching on the television we realized we only knew a very small part of a much bigger story. During the hours that people in Tokyo spent walking home, a huge tsunami had hit the north-east coast of Japan, activating emergency signals at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant.
For three days after this, there was nothing on the TV except for news. We learned that more people had been killed than in any incident since the Second World War, and that the simple daily lives of people in the rural Tohoku region had been taken away from them in a matter of seconds. It was a huge shock. I believe everyone in Japan felt this shock. We sat for a while in a state of distraction watching the terrifying scenes unfold. I personally feared that we would never recover from this state.
Up until this point we didn’t shed tears. I think it is true to say for many of us that the point at which we recovered our emotions was when we started to see images of the people in the Tohoku region who were trying to put their lives back together. People who had lost family and homes were on television within a few days saying things like “It’s okay. We are still alive and somehow we will survive this”. They were quietly determined to return to their lives. At the same time, we saw images of people who had given up comfortable lives to spend time, not drinking, eating or sleeping, surrounded by the fears and dangers of the situation in order to contribute wholeheartedly to the rescue work.
Seeing these people getting on with their lives, we felt that we could not sit around in a state of shock for ever. We switched our TV off and turned the radio on instead, and began to hear familiar music. It was as if someone had said “Everyone return to where you were”. I know that the foreign press praised the Japanese people for being cool in the face of the disaster, but in fact I don’t think we were very cool at all. Inside we were in a state of turmoil, full of fears and terrors, but we realized that nothing would get done if we did not stand up and begin to move forwards. I think that everyone felt like this, to a greater or lesser extent. I think that we all realized, almost unconsciously, that in the long term, we would not be able to overcome this situation unless each of us considered what we should be doing, and indeed found our own “mission”.
All the things we used to think were “normal” have turned out not to be normal at all. Having our family all together and safe; having a home; being able to eat food; being able to turn the electricity on at will; being able to breathe clean air and drink clean water. I write articles about lifestyle for a living – this disaster has completely changed my perception of the weight and implications of what I do.
The support and warmth of people around the world in response to this crisis, including people in the UK, has been a tremendous encouragement to us in Japan. We truly feel that the world is as one. When my husband and I left Narita Airport in Tokyo to come on this visit to the UK, there was a large poster displayed in the departure lobby. This poster reads: Take care and have a good trip. When you meet your friends overseas, tell them that Japan is going to be fine. And please say a big “thank you”! I am proud to be able to stand here and give you these words today.
Thank you for inviting us to this event today. I am so glad to have met you all. I hope that you enjoy the lunch. Thank you once again.
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